Here are all from users answering you guys: What is the best operating system to work with Volvo Vice VIDA 2014D? Windows 10, Win 8, Win 7, Win XP or macOS?
Here you go…
Volvo VIDA 2014D Windows XP
- I’ve happily be using VIDA on my old Win XP laptop for a few years
- I have an old laptop (currently with Vista) and an old ASUS notebook running XP SP3.
- VIDA 2012, 2013A or D version software should be installed on Win XP or Virtual machine. But 2014A and new 2014D requires Win 7 O/S ONLY. that’s a huge development for VIDA DiCE kit. Leave alone WIN xp or VirtualBox
- I also run my VIDA in a XP virtual machine. No issues with mouse or USB, if you are familiar with VMware.
Volvo 2014D VIDA Windows 7
- I just went back to a Win7 machine running IE9 and I’m very careful with the updates. 2014D is supposed to work with IE10 but it didn’t when I tried it.
- While it says it works with ALL versions of Windows…it doesn’t actually.
However, it does have a GREAT setup instruction PDF that truly made setting up a VM super easy using Win7 Pro. Which then made setting up VIDA a breeze. I have it up and running and I even managed to connect to my older DICE unit.
- I’’m on 2014d and W7 pro
- I’m lucky in that I had an old laptop lying around that I could use solely for VIDA / DICE. Once I finally got it working (Win Pro 7 32 Bit, .Net 3.5), I turned off windows update, so that its configuration wouldn’t change. I assume that as long as I don’t change my car for a newer one, there is no benefit to an upgraded VIDA version (I’m on 2014D), or any further windows updates.
- I used 32bit Win7 Ultimate. It all works now.
My only issue is my car battery running out being left on pos II for a length of time!
- it must be Win 7 Pro ( or ultimate).
- It won’t work on 7 Home
- Vida 2014d will work fine with a fully updated Windows 7 Pro
- On any 32-bit Windows machine, RAM in excess of 3 GB will be unrecognized by the OS
- I have VIDA 2010D on Windows 7 Home Premium.
- IE 8 and install on Win7.
- VADIS on Win7 x64 with IE8 works like a charm
- I run VIDA 2010D on Windows 7 professional 32-bit with Chrome Version 23.0.1271.97 – No problems
Good to know: Windows 7 32 bit is the only operation system that tested by real pros:
You can have VICE VIDA 2014D on Windows 7 with 100% success
2014D VIDA DiCE Windows 8
- I had it working with Windows 8.1 until an unknown update broke connectivity to DICE and no amount of system restore would bring it back. I guess 2014D works ok, but be aware an update may blow it up in the future.
- DiCE was working with Vida2014B and Windows 8.1, but stopped working when I upgraded to Windows 10 yesterday.
- Need to uninstall the IE existed on the system, (probably IE9) first, then it should be able to install Win 8.
- win8 & ie10 sure don’t play well with anything, can’t downgrade in win8 either, that’s what that compatibility mode is for.
Volvo VIDA 2014D Windows 10
- Win10 with Vida 2014D and DiCE is now working. And I have connected to a separate ME9 and read some data from it.
- Windows 10 is causing tons of compatibility issues across the board. You may have to VM until updates.
- I have been using 2014D VIDA on my win10 tablet for few months and it even works via integrated Bluetooth!!!
Volvo VIDA 2014D Windows Mac
I run mine on a Mac using WinXP + VirtualBox VM without any problems. But UI is a little clunkier with a VM.
I have an old Win XP Dell that I use exclusively as a VIDA/DiCE box and I use VMWare Fusion/Win7 VM on a Mac for a VIDA reference source.
I have XP pro on my Macbook Pro in VirtualBox and that is working fine.
Have a walk through for the Virtual Box
Here i would describe details of the system, HD size, Ram amount, processor type, you’ll need to be running in XP virtual nachine, provided you have the size described above plus IE8, you may want to disable your firewall and antivirus during installation. at least 2GB of ram, more than 20GB hard disk, preferably 40GB + , I don’t remember the processor type but mine is pentium 4 quore duo works ok, IE8 when you have those, your installation will be okay.
VM Ware player is compatible with Win XP, Vista 32 & 64 bit as well as Win7 32 & 64 bit
I have it running on my main PC and it works!